Friday, November 29, 2024

About Babel Fish AI


Introducing Babel-Fish A.I., where our name is not just a nod to Douglas Adams' galactic adventures but a promise of groundbreaking Artificial Intelligence Infrastructure Solutions that will take you to the top faster than you can say "Don't Panic!" Let's navigate the digital universe together with technology that's out of this world! - AI Jeannie

Jason Brazeal 
Lead Engineer of Artificial Intelligence/Deep Learning/Neural Networks

For inquiries about our Deep Learning Solutions for your business feel free to contact us:

Babel-Fish A.I. is a registered Trademark ® © Babel-fish A.I. 2023

Jason Brazeal


Executive Producer: The Legend Lives: The True Story Of The Jersey Devil

Founder/CEO: Babel-Fish AI - AI Jeannie - AI News Brief

Editor-In-Chief: Space Monsters Magazine 

Jason has a past history of motion picture industry work and affiliation. 

He has worked with legendary genre publications, publishers, film studios and talent.  

Some of these include Famous Monsters of Filmland, Deep Red Magazine, Hammer Studios, MPI Video (Dark Shadows), Famous Monsters Chronicles, Space Monsters Magazine, Gore Shriek, FantaCo Enterprises, Cemetery Dance Publications and many others.  

He has been directly involved with extending the legacies of 2 genre icons. Namely Forrest J. Ackerman and Chas Balun. Jason is a member of Chas Balun's Splat Pack, the group responsible for splatter punk and Deep Red magazine.  

Jason is directly responsible for debunking the notorious Patterson Gimlin Bigfoot hoax by using his extensive knowledge of FX technology and suit deployments of the era to illustrate the revelations that the film itself gives to those with a trained eye and who know what to look for.


Jason is also responsible for debunking the Rock Ape myths of the Vietnam war by exposing them as a known primate species called a Red Shanked Doc Langur. Jason did this by uncovering pictures taken by the soldiers who referred to them as "Rock Apes" and identifying the species within that region as being the very primates featured in the photographs and by taking into account their known habitat and behaviors. 

A decisive engineer of pioneering and ground breaking technology, A cultural anthropologist (in training) and an ex film professional with a library of knowledge on practical makeup FX techniques and methods from the 1950s-1990s. He has worked on award winning film productions, filled in the shoes for 2 genre icons, is a member of an elite group at Deep Red Magazine and he owns Space Monsters Magazine, Babel Fish AI and AI Jeannie.

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